Disinfection is the final treatment stage and plays a particularly crucial role in the water treatment process. The disinfection process is used to eliminate bacteria, viruses, amoebas that cause diseases such as typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, measles, hepatitis…
Disinfection methods include physical, radiation, and chemical processes. Some of the most commonly used methods include:
Chlorine disinfection:
There are many different methods applied for water disinfection. However, chlorine has proven to be effective for many decades in water treatment due to its ease of use and low cost. A complete chlorine dosing system typically includes the following main components:
A complete chlorine dosing system includes the following main equipment:
A. Chlorine Supply Room: | B. Dosing room: |
1. Chlorine storage tank;
2. Scale; 3. Manifold; 4. Liquid chlorine expansion tank; 5. Automatic changover unit; 6. Evaporator; 7. Gas chlorine expansion tank; 8. Emergency shut off valve; 9. Filter; 10. Pressure reducing valve; 11. Heating equipment; 12. Vacuum regulator; 13. Activated carbon storage tank; |
14. Chlorination;
15. Booster pump; 16. Injector; 17. Chlorine leak alarm equipment; 18. Chlorine gas detection sensor; 19. Alarm horn; 20. Chlorine gas suction point. C. Chlorine leak treatment system. |
Customers have the flexibility to choose equipment tailored to their project’s needs and capacity requirements. Chlorine dosing equipment is available in multiple capacity options ranging from 4 to 200 kg Cl2/h. Additionally, installation methods vary, including clamping onto the cylinder neck, fixed wall mounting, or as a standalone cabinet.
UV disinfection technology
UV disinfection technology utilizes advanced medical and optical principles to effectively combat harmful microorganisms. By employing specific wavelengths of UV light, this method disrupts the DNA or RNA within microorganism cells, effectively neutralizing them and preventing their growth and reproduction.
The Wafer® Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system differs from any other system currently on the market, with a unique chamber making it the most compact UV disinfection system available today at about one third of the size of comparative UV offerings.
Wafer UV System features a hydraulically optimized design that provides efficient treatment of chlorine resistant pathogens such as Cryptosporidium, as well as reduction of chloramines delivering a more pleasant and safer environment for pool users.

The Wafer System also includes a number of advanced features. The automatic wiper and Twistlok™ lamps are designed to reduce maintenance intervals and to ensure that any maintenance is simpler, faster to undertake, and as safe as possible.
Electrolytic disinfection
The OSEC® B-Pak system generates a 0.8 % sodium hypochlorite solution through the electrolysis of brine, consuming only water, salt and electricity. By producing hypochlorite on-site and on-demand, the system eliminates concerns associated with transportation and storage of liquefied chlorine gas or commercial sodium hypochlorite solutions, making it ideal for any application requiring chlorination.
Due to its low concentration, the hypochlorite solution generated by the OSEC B-Pak system minimizes corrosion and degradation (loss of available chlorine during storage) issues typical of high-strength (10 –15 %) sodium hypochlorite solutions. In addition, the system offers lower operating costs than commercial hypochlorite, typically resulting in attractive payback periods.
The OSEC B-Pak skid is designed to minimize system footprint while maintaining accessibility to all components. The overall dimensions of the skid are the same for all capacities from 1.25 to 5.00 kg/h (65 to 260 lb/ day). Skid-mounted components are standard and sized to meet the rated capacity of the skid. Standalone components, such as brine tanks and hypochlorite tanks, are sized and selected to meet application specific requirements.
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