Filtration systems play a vital role in the water treatment process. Underdrains collect filtered water during the filter run, and distribute air and water during the backwash cycle. It helps deliver cleaner filter media for longer filter runs, less waste, and lower overall operating costs. As a result, there’s a growing preference among customers for Filtration Systems over traditional Strainer Systems. Leopold, known for its superior performance, has emerged as a leading brand in providing and installing filtration systems worldwide.

Leopold’s four types of underdrains provide design flexibility for various filter heights and lengths, flume configurations, installation techniques, and uplift resistance. There are Type S®, Type SL®, Type XA®, and the latest innovation, Type 360. Each type of media is tailored to different filtration technologies and filter bed capacities. Additionally, Leopold provides complementary equipment such as the I.M.S. media support plate, which replace up to 14 in (35 cm) of media support gravel, allowing for the same media depth in less vertical space, thus reducing construction costs, also saving time and labor during installation and provide even backwash distribution to deep clean filters.

Document info: 

01. Giới thiệu về Đan lọc HDPE

02. Đan lọc HDPE - Type XA

03. Đan lọc HDPE - Type S_SL

04. Đan lọc HDPE - Type 360

05.Tấm đỡ lớp vật liệu lọc - IMS 200_1000

06. So sánh Đan lọc và Chụp lọc

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